Welcome to the World of
Pin-Hole Procedures...
Small Nicks...Balloons & Stents...Lower Risks...
A Paradigm Shift -
Vascular Interventional Radiologist in Mumbai
Welcome to the World of
Pin-Hole Procedures...
Small Nicks...Balloons & Stents...Lower Risks...
A Paradigm Shift -
Vascular Interventional Radiologist in Mumbai

Ethics, expertise and a passion for patient care
Dr. Tejas Dharia,Vascular Intervention Radiologist in Mumbai has completed his MBBS from the prestigious Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai. He then pursued his Master’s in Radio-Diagnosis from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore. Seeing the amazingly fast recovery of his brother following an Vascular interventional radiology procedure led him to integrate his long-standing interest in applying technology to reduce surgical morbidity by pursuing fellowships in Image Guided Interventions and Vascular Interventional Radiology from Tata Memorial Hospital, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai.
However, more important than his illustrious academic and clinical achievements, what sets him apart from others is his passion for patient care. In his practice, his primary goal has always been to ensure maximum patient comfort. To that end, he begins with formulating a considered, compassionate treatment plan, firmly rooted in the principles of ethical medical practice. Countless hours spent practising his craft translate into his extraordinary expertise. As a patient and a referring physician, what you cannot help but notice is the sheer level of dedication that he brings along with him. That is why, whatever is the procedure that you are consulting with him for, you can rest easy with the knowledge that you are in safe hands.

Consultant Vascular Interventional Radiologist with

Medical Services We Offer

Peripheral Angiography
and Angioplasty
Peripheral vascular disease, also known as peripheral arterial disease, refers to a range of symptoms that...

Varicose Veins Laser Treatment
Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and twisted. The term commonly refers to the veins ...

Interventional oncology is a subspecialty field of interventional radiology that deals with...

When blood does not flow smoothly through a vessel, it can begin to coagulate, turning from a...

Varicose Veins Laser Treatment
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Oncology Interventions
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Venous Thrombolysis
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Freedom from Cuts and Stitches
No one likes to undergo a surgery. Apart from the dread of cuts and stitches, a large majority of us are scared of the post-operative sequelae of the surgery. Most of the times, patients take a lot of time to recover from the surgery, suffering more from the treatment than from the disease. Now add to the mix the increasing number of patients who have to deal with managing hypertension, diabetes and cancer, and you have many people who will postpone even those surgeries that are essential for their survival for as long as possible. This is precisely where Vascular interventional radiology comes to the rescue. Vascular Interventional radiology is a branch of radiology, specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide spectrum of conditions by performing minimally invasive therapeutic procedures. Vascular Interventional radiologists use X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance and computed tomography to pass catheters with guide wires, usually only 1-2 millimetres in diameter, through blood vessels or other organ pathways to treat at the site of disease. These minimally invasive treatments allow major procedures to be performed though a pin-hole access rather than a big cut.

The patients can go home on the same day if they wish, and can get back to all their routine activity the very next day. Convenient, right? Dr. Tejas Dharia, one of the leaders in the field of Vascular interventional radiology in Mumbai, has amalgamated his unique passion for technology driven surgical procedures with minimal access interventions to bring to you a whole host of treatments that can leave you feeling awed at how easily you can resume work after serious surgery.
Other Procedures

Image Guided Interventions

Emergency Interventions

Neuro Interventions

Trans-jugular Intrahepatic Porto-systemic Shunt
Angioplasty, correcting varicose veins, reducing
tumours and much more

Angioplasty, correcting varicose veins, reducing tumours and much more
Given how gentle the Vascular interventional radiology modalities are, a surprisingly high number of common but potentially serious conditions can be managed using these techniques. Starting from the more widely known VESSEL related procedures like angiography and angioplasty to emergency interventions for managing excessive bleeding during delivery, Vascular interventional radiology treats various problems in a safe and atraumatic manner. Did you know that varicose veins can be treated more predictably using lasers and Vascular interventional radiology as compared to conventional surgery? Even tumours and cancers can be treated or reduced in size using Vascular interventional radiology.These procedures reduce the surgical morbidity substantially, while treating the tumours in a precise, controlled manner. Image guided biopsies, drainages, emergency interventions and neuro-interventions round off the vast gamut of clinical expertise that Dr. Tejas Dharia brings along with him.